secondbirthdayOctober 4th 2013… this date will forever be burned into my memory. On the phone with my sister, pacing outside of the urgent care I had gone to on my lunch break to “just get a Z pack” because there was no service in the building… with my phone dying, in a tank-top, shorts, and flip flops in a freezing building, being told that I needed to go to the hospital. I hesitated when my sister asked if I wanted her to come down to be with me… the hesitation was all she needed, she didn’t wait for me to answer, stopped only long enough to ask me to text her the address. I will never forget that day, my sister an amazing human, who made me feel loved and safe, and somehow less hostile about accepting help. I don’t really feel up to rehashing my whole Dx story, but I didn’t want to let this milestone go by without some sort of processing around it — I spent the actual anniversary with my sister, it was an amazing, simple, regular day — as regular as any day with diabetes… as regular as any day is for me.