A few days ago my dex sensor failed, so I decided to go without the dex just for a bit… I took it off, placed the transmitter on my kitchen counter next to my grandfather’s pocket change dish and went on with my night. I kept getting these annoying sensor failed alerts on my phone, so I switched my Bluetooth off, but you know, you can only go so long without Bluetooth. So this morning I turned off the receiver… still getting alerts, btw they are REALLY loud, especially considering that they are basically alerting me to the fact that nothing is going on… but I digress… what I did next surprised even me. I opened my Bluetooth menu and told my phone to forget the dex transmitter device. Then, just to be sure, I deleted the dexcom app off my phone. It was so freeing. I know this won’t last… by my very nature I love data and to disregard a device that literally records my own bio data is a ridiculous prospect, but it felt so good. I was camping this past week and my Fitbit died… so I took it off, then I took of my Apple Watch too… that didn’t last too long since my numbers were so crazy, but there was something amazing about not measuring my self worth against a number every time I glanced at my watch. I didn’t even know I felt that way until I took it off. There is so much value in technology, but I think the same way I value standing barefoot in the sand or sitting with my back resting against a tree, being free of these devices, no matter how groundbreaking and amazing they are, just every once and awhile is good for the soul. to remember that I am a whole person just on my own. maybe I’ve been drinking too much tea… I’ll probably get back to working on my openAPS tomorrow, but for today I’m free.
170526 DRAFT to “diabetes you suck”
In my longstanding state of depression, anxiety and stress (90+% under control with drug treatment & monitoring with regular consults with both my psychopharmacologist and, of course, my endocrinologist) I also reached a limit with my Medtronic MiniMed sensor-pump system. Although I’d worn it for 5 years or so, and a few decades on a pump, the combination of circumstances drove me to remove the aggravation of changes, schedules & infrequent alarms so I removed the sensor and silenced the alarm. It has brought relief but now, months plus two unrelated surgeries later, I know how much less consistent my BGs became. Worsened my last few A1C results by only 10~12% or so (annual average circa 6.15 to 7 now).
But!! the real value for me was to prevent alarming rate of descents *and* near-unconscious lack of functionality, and of the MiniMed’s built-in power to *auto-stop the delivery of any insulin* for a couple of hours.