you know those mornings when you hear laughter and it makes you feel like jumping out of your skin and crushing everyone like you’re a mortal combat character circa 1998… yeah, that’s how my day is going. I just spent the time I should have been reviewing material for today’s class installing diasend onto this computer so that I could stare at data that confirms my headaches and constant dehydration with the blotches of red all over my screen. Then comes the math, it looks like a basal issue, I’ve been rocking a 5% increase temp basal the last few days and that seems to have helped, but then looking at the numbers, I’m way over bolusing with most days around a 60/30 bolus to basal ratio, so that’s great… then add in the fact that for a solid two weeks… no wait, just double checked it… a full fucking month I’m averaging 200+ BG… all fucking day. No wonder I feel like shit. Ugh, but guess what the 5% change that’s been helping… it’s less than 0.05 units/hr… which means my options are risk going over by roughly double the increase I want to make or stay where I’m at… great, just fucking phenomenal. So today’s roulette decision… increase basal by 0.05 units/hr across the board… so I just drew it out… and because my average (across 24 hours) is 259 and my lowest average at any given time is 175… and given a rough 60 minute peak time, with my correction ratio should put an across the board 0.05/unit increase at (again roughly) of 30 BG/hour which puts me at least closer to my goal range of 90-180 BG at any given time… (145-230)… so let’s see if this hypothesis is correct… I’m going to try to eat similar meals, it includes two school days and one weekend day, so that should be pretty representative for my week… TBD… the mental bullshit that it took to get here… at least the shit that was too much for me to do just in my head…