finally getting comfortable going to the gym without having to pre-plan my blood sugar hours in advance…
- If my blood sugar is within a good range — turn down basal by 30%, minimal cardio to start (10-15 min) followed by circuits
- A circuit will usually be kettle bell swings plus pick 2-3 of the following: planks, bicep curls, pull-ups, push-ups, medicine ball twists, jump-rope, rower — 3-4 sets or AMRAP 20-30 minutes
- If my blood sugar is on the lower side — turn down basal by 30%, no cardio, straight into circuits without cardio pieces (at least for first circuit)
- If my blood sugar is high — no basal adjustment, cardio until my BG is 180-ish, then to circuits (on the heavier side) to avoid a post-cardio crash
Avoid post-work out lows by adding 10 minutes in the steam room — using the heat to send my blood sugar back up… this has been fairly successful, with no workout lows that needed treatment in the last month. Getting into the gym 2-3 times per week.
Even though I know that this is good enough to keep me in shape, I miss feeling really strong — looking into getting back to crossfit… I’m sure I will immediately regret it, haha.